نظرات درباره فیزیک باباخانی

Mehdi Babakhani

Resume of professor Mehdi Babakhani, one of the best physics professors in Iran

Professor Mehdi Babakhani is a graduate of industrial engineering and a teacher of TV programs and educational DVDs from Gaj Institute and a teacher of Gajino online classes and the most popular entrance exam teacher on the educational site of the cultural center of education

Professor Mehdi Babakhani is a top teacher in Tehran and a flight teacher to the cities of Shiraz, Tabriz, Mashhad, Bushehr, and Isfahan, and the manager of the Karnameh Khard educational collection. They are Iran

Professor Mehdi Babakhani has a teaching experience for 20 years, Professor Mehdi Babakhani has been one of the best physics professors in Iran in recent years’ surveys. Professor Mehdi Babakhani has participated in Gajino’s online classes and by preparing and performing mokh DVDs. And by appearing in television and educational programs in the past few years, they have been at the top of recent polls

نظرات درباره فیزیک باباخانی

معرفی و رزومه و نظرات درباره فیزیک باباخانی

:DVDs and educational videos

His DVDs are also published in two categories: the first category is the DVDs that were produced in collaboration with Gaj Institute and under the brand name Mukh Aggahi, and the second category is the DVDs that were produced in collaboration with two collections of Allameh teachers and Karnameh Collection. The wisdom has been prepared and sent to the market

Those who are looking for his educational DVDs in training for entrance exam and test tips, it is better to get the collection of DVDs of Allameh’s portfolio of wisdom and teachers from Babakhani. But students who, for whatever reason, want to prepare only for the final exams, it is better to benefit from Gaj Silver Brain DVDs

Also, the teaching book of test tips by Professor Mehdi Babakhani will be available for you from 1400. To prepare DVDs and educational videos, please contact Khard’s report card collection / Comparison of entrance exam physics teachers

The best physics entrance exam DVD

Ranking of Prof Mehdi Babakhani among physics professors in Iran

Professor Mehdi Babakhani, according to the latest ranking of Iran’s physics teachers, which is announced every year by Iran’s brand teachers website and teachers’ resume bank website, is currently ranked number 1 among Iran’s physics teachers

teaching method

Babakhani’s main teaching method is teaching through test and problem solving. That is, first they teach you a test point and then they try to convey the concepts by solving many tests

Professor Mehdi Babakhani offers a combination of conceptual methods and test methods in online training as well as in teaching DVDs

His teaching method is 80% teaching test points and 20% conceptual points

Also, his teaching in the online physics classes is happy, fun and attractive, and he has a good relationship with the students, and the classroom is not dry and soulless, but in the educational videos and DVDs, the teaching is serious

nterview with the successful teachers of Iran and the best teachers of the entrance examination of Iran

We are going to present you a series of interviews with the best professors of Iran’s Konkur

In this section, you will see an interview with engineer Mehdi Babakhani, the number one ranking of Iran’s physics teachers

Professor, you have been selected as the best physics teacher in Iran for several years in a row, if you allow us to start by introducing you, we will interview you

Hello and thank you for your efforts dear Mrs. Rahimi

My name is Mehdi Babakhani, born in March 1358 and I graduated from industrial engineering. I have been teaching physics professionally since 1380

?Professor, why teach physics? Master, how did an industrial engineer get into education instead of industry

The story is long, dear Rahimi

One day, I was on my way to university (I was in my first year of university) when I met one of our good neighbors who happened to be a professional entrance exam secretary. After the usual greetings, they asked me if I was interested in teaching. ? Considering my special family circumstances, I really needed such a job and I eagerly accepted it. At first, I entered this profession as an assistant consultant and after a short time I became one of the consultants named at that time, but since in When I was a teacher, I was very interested in physics and sometimes I taught other students at school, and I had a high ability to teach physics in a special style, I entered this field

? How was your physics teacher at school

great great

Let me tell you an interesting memory

During high school, I was so interested in physics that I used to invent new and innovative methods to solve physics questions, and later, at the insistence of my classmates, I taught them physics in my own style (it was almost a new style that took as little time as possible). I answer difficult questions)

Little by little, my physics classes at school became more prosperous than our school teacher’s physics class, and my classmates asked the school principal, Mr. Hemti, to teach in my physics class instead of our respected teacher!! Of course, this caused me a little trouble! But it was a pleasant feeling that in a class of 30 people (with those strange competitions that existed in the sixties) they preferred to teach a 17-year-old student to an old and formal teacher

?-What courses did you teach when you started

As I said, at the beginning of my career, like all my friends and colleagues, I taught math, physics, and was a consultant, but in the end, physics and consulting were my final choice

? for teaching   Professor Babakhani, do you prefer teaching boys or girls

A large number of respectable teachers prefer to work only with girls (fantasy teachers!) and have difficulty working with boys, and a group are only comfortable with boys and do not succeed in girls’ classes (the rude ones!)

But fortunately, in the last 20 years, both in girls’ schools and in boys’ schools, I have always won the first rank in polls, by far and wide

Of course, don’t forget that the lesson plan and teaching method in each group was completely different and based on contingency management. Teaching boys and girls is no different for a professional teacher. Students and their parents are looking for results and success, which fortunately, I am proud of In the past years, from both groups of boys and girls, the top ranks of the national entrance exam have been among my students

Professor Babakhani, what was the reason for so much acceptance of your online and face-to-face classes? Did you have and do you ?have a special way of teaching

Do not doubt, successful people in their field of work do not imitate and innovation and presentation of new methods distinguish them

As I said years ago and at the beginning of this path, I have watched many hours of educational videos from foreign and domestic professors of that time to teach each part of physics, and by presenting new ways, I tried to teach physics in a simple and quick language. Of course, in recent years, a number of colleagues tried to imitate this teaching style, but because it was an imitative work, they did not succeed in this way. I suggest new colleagues and younger ones to imitate instead of imitating and find their own style. Also, I suggest new colleagues and newcomers, in addition to watching educational videos, to solve a number of new questions every day and not to buy all reference physics books

Do you still read books related to physics as one of the top physics teachers in Iran? Of course, I mean exam books and not reference ?books

Yes, one hundred percent

Just as a champion and a professional athlete, in order to always stay at the top, never abandon professional and continuous training, a professional secretary never stops studying and challenging with new questions. After 20 years of teaching at the first level of Iran, I still continuously review about 10 to 15 new questions every night so that the analytical part of my mind is always at the peak of preparation

? Professor, what do you think about the entrance exam? Do you think the entrance exam is a fair way to select students

In my opinion, entrance exam is the fairest way to select students, considering all its flaws, but with the current conditions

For example, we have several hundreds of thousands of applicants in the experimental field for admission to the medical family, while the university seats are very limited, so we need a filter so that the best ones can be selected from among the multitude of audience. To school exams, it is currently the fairest method

? Professor Babakhani, who were the most intelligent students in your class in the last 20 years

Dad, now you can see that you can create a difference between me and my students (laughter)

During these twenty years, many of the top ranks of the national entrance exam were my students, but usually the first ones remain in my mind in a special way. They are now practicing medicine, and they were really smart and great

Sometimes they solved the questions so quickly that I had to design nested and complex questions especially for them

?Professor Babakhani, if you were to choose your career path again, would you choose the same path

Yes, I definitely love this profession

? Professor  let’s name some teachers and colleagues and say one or more words about their characteristics

here you are

– Professor Bahman Bazargan

Iran’s most famous chemistry teacher

Dr. Peloi

The best professor of chemistry in Iran, literate and first class

Professor Saman Salamian

Iran’s most conceptual and profound math teacher

– Engineer Mohammad Arbab Bahrami

Mr. Iranian math and moral man

– Dr. Amarlo

The godfather of Iranian biology

– Dr. Homayouni

The best professor of life

? Professor Babakhani, at the end of the speech, if you have a word with the students, please tell me

I wish success to all my loved ones

I hope they consider today’s strictures as my interest in your destiny

……..The interview with Iran’s brand managers continues

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